Below is our up to date list of vacancies that are currently active. Interested candidates or for vacancies not listed here, please submit CV and relevant documents HERE

LBL Client Rep

We are looking for a experienced LBL rep for deployment in Indonesia. Please revert with a CV to

ROV Senior Pilot Tech

We are looking for a Senior ROV PT for deployment in Taiwan. If available please revert with a CV to

Structural Engineer

We are looking for a Structural engineer for a 6 month contract renewable in france.

We are sourcing for an Estimation, Tender Engineer for deployment in July. Please email

ROV Pilot/Tech for July

We are looking for an ROV PT for work in Malaysia in July 2024

MBES Eiva Data Processor

We are looking for a Eiva MBES data Processor for a Debry Survey

We are looking for Surveyor for a project in US waters mid February.

We are looking for a MBES Surveyor to work in Brazil.

Looking for a Senior Surveyor with experience with Eiva, if available please send CV to

Vacancy LBL Surveyor

We are sourcing for a LBL Surveyor for a 6G array installation. If interested/available please send CV to